Joel Singer for Academic Success & Student Support

Joel Singer
1 min readJun 11, 2021

Joel Singer had a keen interest in human nature right from the beginning. That’s why, after gaining a degree in Psychology, he enjoyed a teaching and academic coaching career in which I was fascinated by the challenge of fostering self-directed learning in children and young adults. Joel Singer’s teaching and coaching career show us that there are normal and natural differences in people’s learning preferences and that effective learning strategies should take into account these natural differences. That’s where MAC comes in. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to learning. Instead, MAC facilitates the drawing together of a range of learning strategies and approaches to create a comprehensive self-directed learning environment that really gets results. Joel Singer’s career has been dedicated to helping students identify problem areas in their studies. And, crucially, with the aid of MAC products and resources, his aim is to offer solutions to the challenges that students face, regardless of their current ability. Joel Singer invites you to join on your very own journey to academic success and looks forward to being your guide as you embark on a voyage of life-long learning and achievement.



Joel Singer

Joel Singer helps you to build the confidence and ability to navigate through academic and professional challenges to achieve overall success.